This article was created to help you understand and manage permissions on your Minecraft server.
Vanilla Servers
Most of the existing commands require you to be a server operator to use them!
Nearly all existing commands can be used in the Multicraft console as many times as they do not require you to be logged in the server. For example, the /sethome
command is working just in-game because the server needs your actual player location to set your home there (the x, y, z coordinates). Just remember that is not necessary to use slash /
at the beginning of the command if you use it into your Multicraft console.
Plugins Servers (CraftBukkit, Spigot and Paper)
For server types like CraftBukkit, Spigot and Paper you still need to be a server operator to use commands on the server but this changes when you install a Permission Plugin which will provide more features.
If you want to give certain permissions to a specific user or let players use commands without them being a server operator, you need to use a permission plugin like PermissionsEx or LuckPerms:
Modded Servers (Forge)
For modded servers, by default, you still need to be a server operator to use commands, but this can change, you have ways to manage the permissions.
For Forge server, depending on the version, you are able to use different methods to manage permissions:
- For 1.5.2 Forge servers you can set up Voltz MCPC+ which will allow you to use Bukkit plugins and mods at the same time, so you will be able to install a permissions plugin and manage the permissions as for a plugins server.
- For 1.6.4 Forge servers you can set up Cauldron which will let you use Bukkit plugins and mods at the same time, so you will be able to install a permissions plugin and manage the permissions as for a plugins server.
- For 1.7.10 Forge server the most stable is Thermos, which again provides the possibility to use Bukkit plugins and mods at the same time, so you will be able to install a permissions plugin and manage the permissions as for a plugins server.
- For 1.10.2 Forge servers we suggest you use SpongeForge, which adds the possibility to use just Sponge plugins into your modded server. Then you can add the Sponge edition of LuckPerms and manage your permissions.
- For 1.12.2 Forge server you can use SpongeForge, which provides a version for 1.12.2 also, Magma, or Mohist which offers both the possibility to use Bukkit plugins and mods at the same time, so you will be able to install a permissions plugin and manage the permissions as for a plugins server.
- For Forge servers above 1.12.2 (1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.2) there is no mod or server type that provides a stable way to manage your permissions.
Bedrock Editions
Depending on which of our Bedrock Editions are you running you are able to manage your permissions on your server.
Bedrock Dedicated
Most of the existing commands require you to be a server operator to use them. There isn’t any way to manage your permissions more than that on a Bedrock Dedicated server.
On PocketMine servers, by default, you still need to be a server operator to use commands, but you are also able to use plugins with this server type.
Setting up the PurePerms plugin into your server will allow you to manage your permissions much better on your server, gaining the opportunity to create groups, give them specific permissions and add players to them.
On Nukkit servers, by default, you still need to be a server operator to use commands, but you are also able to use plugins with this server type.
Setting up the LuckPerms plugin into your server will allow you to manage your permissions much better on your server, gaining the opportunity to create groups, give them specific permissions and add players to them.
❕ Useful Links ❕
- Minecraft Commands and Permissions (Bukkit Gamepedia)
- How to install plugins
- How to install mods
- Vanilla Commands