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  3. Super Smelter: Why the Last Furnaces Get the Most to Smelt

Super Smelter: Why the Last Furnaces Get the Most to Smelt

If you’re building a super smelter in Minecraft and noticing that the last furnaces in your system are getting the most items to smelt, you’re not alone. This issue can arise for several reasons, but the good news is there are solutions to make your smelter more efficient. In this article, we’ll discuss the common causes and how to address them.

1. Hopper Minecart Capacity and Distribution


In large-scale super smelters, hopper minecarts are often used to transport items into furnaces. However, these minecarts have a limited capacity and sometimes struggle to evenly distribute items across all furnaces. If the minecart isn’t fully loaded when it starts its journey, the last furnaces may end up receiving more items than the others.


Ensure that the hopper minecart is adequately filled before it begins its journey. A hopper loader can be used to load the minecart to its maximum capacity, which helps in achieving a more balanced distribution.

2. Timing and Speed Variations


The speed of the hopper minecart can vary based on the redstone mechanisms powering it. If the minecart slows down or speeds up as it moves along the track, this may cause items to be deposited unevenly across the furnaces. The last furnace often receives more items due to slower timing or delays.


Make sure the hopper minecart moves at a consistent speed. This can be achieved by optimizing the redstone clock that powers the minecart and ensuring the track layout minimizes friction and obstacles.

3. Hopper Alignment and Timing


Improper alignment or timing of the hoppers feeding into the furnaces can result in uneven item distribution. If some hoppers are activated before others, it can cause the last furnace to take more items than necessary.


Adjust the timing and alignment of your hopper system to ensure even item distribution. Implementing a hopper clock can help synchronize the flow of items, ensuring that each furnace receives the same amount at the same time.

4. Community Insights

Many players have discussed similar issues with their super smelters. Some common advice is to ensure the hopper minecart is filled to its maximum capacity before it starts moving. By doing so, it will be able to distribute items more evenly across the furnaces.

For a detailed visual guide, check out the following video:

Minecraft Super Smelter: Simplest, Automatic, ANY SIZE!

Updated on March 19, 2025
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