Lag is one of the saddest things that a Modded Server player can experience. This guide will help you improve performance on your server.
⚠️ Are you running Vanilla, Bukkit, Spigot, or Paper? Check out this guide! ⚠️
Here’s how you can avoid some lag in your server:
Automatic Restarts
Automatic restarts unload heavy chunks that are still loaded on your server and damage your server’s performance.
Using Anti-Lag Fabric Mods
Using Anti-Lag Mods can be very dangerous but they can also be used to avoid huge lag on Fabric Modded Servers.
To install them just drag and drop the Mods into your /mods
Some examples:
Using Client-Side Shaders Mods
Another way to improve performance while you are playing is to use client-side shaders mods.
It provides better rendering techniques, optimizations for chunk loading, block rendering, vertex building, etc., and many graphical fixes as you can see on the official page mentioned above.
It should fully utilize your graphics card when paired with Sodium mod and it also provides shaders improvements as you can see on the official page mentioned above.
️ Pre-Generating Your World ️
Minecraft’s world creation is a process based on complex calculations. A world is generated dynamically as you play, meaning that the entire world is not created when you start playing but generates more and more as you play.
A good way to reduce lag on your server is to a radius to the spawn area and then use a plugin or mod to pre-generate the chunks from that zone. This way, when players will explore that zone the game will just have to load the already existing chunks instead of generating them.
World Pre Generator Mod
A great mod to use to pre-generate your world on a Fabric server is Chunk Pregenerator Fabric. This mod can be used on 1.15.2 or higher versions of Minecraft. Our guide for setting it up and using it can be found here.
Changing Dynmap
If you’re using the Fabric version of the Dynmap mod make sure to set the resolution to vlowres
or lowres
inside the configuration.txt
and also the render type to jpg
instead of png
Reducing the Server View-Distance
To do that you’ll need to:
Login into your Multicraft Control Panel here.
Click on
and click onConfig Files

- Click on
Server Settings

- Find
View Distance
and set it to something lower such as5
The View-Distance uses an equation to determine how many chunks the server-side will load for the players.
- The equation for view distance is:(2x+1)²
For the default, of 10, should be:(2*10+1)² = 21²; 441.
- Click on ” Save ” and restart your server.
Upgrade Your Service
Upgrading your service to a server with more RAM or switching to the premium plan may improve your performance. This is especially true on servers that have a lot of plugins or mods that use more RAM.
Using Fewer Mods
If you’re experiencing huge lag and can’t get more RAM (⚔ POWER ⚔) for your server, you’re able to think and re-check your mods list. It’s suggested to remove additional not necessary mods that won’t affect the server without them.
Remove them from your /mods
directory using your FileZilla and restart your server.