"Team Fortress 2" is a class-based first-person shooter developed and published by Valve Corporation. Released on October 10, 2007, as part of "The Orange Box," it has become one of the most popular and highly rated free-to-play games of all time. Players join one of two teams, RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) or BLU (Builders League United), and choose from nine distinct character classes, each with unique abilities and roles. The game features various modes, including Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Payload, among others. Renowned for its cartoon-like visual style and humorous tone, "Team Fortress 2" emphasizes teamwork and strategy. The game is continuously updated with new content, maps, and community-contributed items, maintaining an active player base and vibrant community.
For more information, you can visit the Steam store page and the Wikipedia article.
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