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This game requires a higher plan!
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Minecraft Server Hosting

Let's start with your name!

Please provide your minecraft username below.

Select A Game Type

Pick a server type from the options above by clicking on the name.


Longer payment terms get you a much better deal!

Unlimited slots?

The Coal PLAN has 24 player slots by default.

Yes, make it unlimited! + FREE for 3+ month billing terms!

MySQL Database?

MySQL databases can be used to store server data.

Yes, add a MySQL database! + $ FREE for 3+ month billing terms!

Access Type

How do you want to access your server?

IP with Port FREE

We will provide you with an IP and a port number. Your users can access the server using the ip:port configuration.

Subdomain FREE

We will configure a subdomain for your server, which is easy to remember and nice to look at. You can select it below. If it's in use, we will contact you after your order so you can select another one.

Dedicated IP $/mo

Choose Addons

Addons are great ways to enhance your gaming experience, get help from our staff, or collect donations.

Confirm Your Order

If you are happy with your choices, you can order the plan in the next page.