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  1. Home
  2. Minecraft Bedrock Edition
  3. How to Upload a World to Your Bedrock Server

How to Upload a World to Your Bedrock Server

How to Find the World Save on Your Computer

For Bedrock users, the world folder can be found in minecraftWorlds folder of your computer.
To find it, please follow the steps below:

  1. Press Win + R.
  1. Copy & paste the following path:

  1. Press Enter.

You should be redirected to the default minecraftWorlds folder where you can find the worlds you currently have, as the image below will show:

Now that you’ve found all the worlds you currently own, you will need to know what’s the correct world you would like to upload.

  • To know which folder belongs to which Minecraft world, simply open the folder of your choice and double-click on the levelname.txt file.

NOTE: You need to upload a world that was generated with the exact same version of Minecraft as your server is running, otherwise it will not work properly.

How to Upload Your World ️

Now that you have found the world you would like to upload, drag and drop it to your desktop for easy access to the folder.

Here is our guide for using Filezilla.

To upload your world please follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare the new world folder you want to upload and be sure it is not named the same as your current world folder name on the panel. You will have to remember the name of the new world folder.
  1. Use Filezilla to upload the new world folder to your server, inside the worlds folder, simply drag and drop it.
  1. Access your control panel here, stop the server find the Worlds section, and mark the world you just installed as default.
  1. Restart your server.

Now you just uploaded your custom world to your server.

If you find any issues uploading your custom world to your server please contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.

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Updated on March 17, 2025
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