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  3. How to Remove a Credit Card from Your Account

How to Remove a Credit Card from Your Account

This guide will show you how to properly remove a credit card from your billing account.

How to Remove a Credit Card from Your Account

To remove your credit card, you need to:

  1. Log in here to your billing account.

  1. Click on the drop-down menu from your name, located at the top right side of the page, and click on Payment Methods.

You can directly access the Payment Methods section here.

Payment Methods

  1. Identify the credit card you want to remove, then click on Delete.
Delete CC

Now, you have just removed the requested credit card from your billing account.

NOTE⚠: Services paid for with this credit card will not automatically renew, causing them to be suspended and, eventually, terminated if payment is not made.

If you find any issues removing your credit card, contact us on live chat or via the ticket system.

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Updated on March 17, 2023
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