Feed The Beast Installation

This guide will show you how to download a modpack from Feed the Beast and install it on your server.
# Prerequisites
* Knowledge of FTP and the use of an [FTP client](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/accessing-your-minecraft-server-files-via-ftp-18ealdp/).
* The FTB launcher, which can be found [here](https://www.feed-the-beast.com/).
# Downloading Files
To download the server files, you will need to go to the FTB official page [here](https://www.feed-the-beast.com/modpacks), select the modpack you want, click on `Versions`, and download the server files.

After that, you will need to run the installer you just downloaded and select the location where you want the server files to be added. You can leave it empty if you want the files to be added to the same folder the installer is located in.

# Installing the Modpack
Now, let’s install the modpack on your server:
1. Create a new folder called `jar` in the server files folder.
2. Depending on the Java version you want to use, rename the `forge-versionnumber.jar` to one of the following:
* `custom-java16.jar` – for any modpack running on the 1.17 Minecraft version
* `custom-java11.jar` – for any modpack running on versions between 1.13 and 1.16
* `custom-java8.jar` – for any modpack running on versions lower than 1.13 (1.12, 1.11, etc)
3. Place the files you just renamed in the previous step, as well as the `minecraft_server.jar` and `libraries` folder, inside your new `jar` folder.
4. Delete the `start.bat` file from the server files.
5. Using FileZilla, delete everything from your server.
||| [Here](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-connect-to-your-server-using-filezilla-yl0q5r/) is our guide for using FileZilla.
6. Using FileZilla, upload all server files to your server.
||| [Here](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-connect-to-your-server-using-filezilla-yl0q5r/) is our guide for using FileZilla.
7. Change the server type in your Multicraft control panel to `custom-java8.jar`, `custom-java11.jar`, or `custom-java16.jar` depending on how you named the `forge.versionnumber.jar` in step number 2, then click on save at the bottom of the page.
||| [Here](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-change-your-server-type-and-version-ve6dtm/) is our guide for changing your server type.
8. Start the server!
||| If you still have any issues installing your Feed the Beast modpack, you can purchase our [Modpack Support and Setup Addon](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/addons-general-information-and-how-to-order-one-1ap1h1q/#1-modmodpack-installation-and-support), and we will help you get everything set up. You should now have your server up and running.
| If you find any issues setting up a Feed the Beast modpack on your server, please contact us on live chat or via the [ticket system](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-open-a-support-ticket-qjzuyd/).
# ❕Useful Links❕
– [How to Set Up Manually a Technic Launcher Modpack](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-set-up-manually-a-technic-launcher-modpack-pq1idf/)
– [How to Create a Server Pack from the Client Modpack Files](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-create-a-server-pack-from-the-client-modpack-files-s98jtn/)
– [How to Manually Install a Modpack on Your Server](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-manually-install-a-modpack-on-your-server-10qukvr/)