"Enshrouded" is a survival action role-playing game developed by Keen Games. Set in the vast, voxel-based land of Embervale, players take on the role of the Flameborn, the last ember of hope in a world overtaken by a deadly shroud. The game combines elements of survival, crafting, and action RPG combat, allowing players to explore dark forests, mountains, and deserts, vanquish powerful bosses, and uncover ancient secrets. With both single-player and multiplayer modes supporting up to 16 players, Enshrouded encourages players to build bases, gather resources, and craft equipment while navigating the dangers of the Shroud. The game also features a unique progression system where players can specialize in different classes, unlocking new talents and abilities as they level up.
For more information, you can visit the Steam store page and the Wikipedia article.
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