Today we are going to show you guys how easy redstone can be! Yeah! You might start loving redstone after this tutorial!
Anyone can do it!
Grab your pen!
Here is your checklist:
- 10x Redstone
- 4x Slime Piston
- 4x Pressure Plate
- 2x Redstone Repeater
- 2x Redstone Torch
Simple like that!
Lets get started!
Dig a 3×2 hole:

On both sides, dig 2 blocks and make a 1 block stair:

Fill it with Redstones
Place two repeaters
Place two Redstone Torches:

Close the circuit:

Place the remaining Redstones
Place your pistons
Close the way with your desired block
Use pressure plates to open them:

And Voilà

This is actually the first Redstone circuit I have ever made in my life!
Used it a lot when building underground labs.
It’s easy and you can make it as fast as 1 minute!
Hope you enjoy it!
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