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Minecraft’s Challenging Achievements: How to Earn Them

A vintage-style Minecraft-inspired poster featuring a blocky landscape with a blue sky, pixelated clouds, and a grassy terrain with trees. The bold pixelated text at the top reads "Minecraft's Most Challenging Achievements and How to Earn Them.

Minecraft offers a vast world for exploration and creativity, but some achievements are particularly challenging. From surviving the End dimension to mastering Redstone mechanics, these tasks test even the most dedicated players. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newcomer, these are some of the hardest or most challenging achievements Minecraft has to offer.

Adventuring Time

What is the easiest way to find out what biome I missing? : r/Minecraft

Requirement: Discover every biome in the game.

How to Get It:

  • Steps: There are 42 biomes to discover, and they include both common and rare biomes (like the Ice Spikes, Jungle, or Swamp Hills). Use a map to keep track of your progress in exploration. Some biomes require specific conditions, such as being near a cold or hot environment. You can also use a Minecraft biome finder online for assistance.

The End… Again…

The End... Again... achievement in Minecraft

Requirement: Defeat the Ender Dragon again (in Hardcore mode).

How to Get It:

  • Steps: This achievement is unlocked when you defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore Mode, where death is permanent. It’s essentially a repeat of the “The End.” achievement, but the difficulty of Hardcore mode (where you only have one life) makes this much harder. Be extra careful in preparation and while fighting the dragon.


Overpowered achievement in Minecraft (Windows)

Requirement: Have the best possible equipment (full Diamond or Netherite gear, maxed-out enchantments).

How to Get It:

  • Steps: You need full Netherite or Diamond gear (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots), and all pieces need to be enchanted with the highest level of enchantments possible (Sharpness, Protection, Efficiency, Unbreaking, etc.). Craft the gear, gather enough experience to enchant, and upgrade your gear with Anvils and Enchantment Tables.

A Balanced Diet

All Edible Food items in 1.17 for “A Balanced Diet” : r/Minecraft

Requirement: Eat every type of food in the game.

How to Get It:

  • Steps: You need to consume a variety of foods in Minecraft, including cooked meat, vegetables, cakes, and more. Some foods require specific conditions, such as rabbit stew (made with rabbit, carrot, baked potato, and mushroom), or pufferfish. Once you’ve eaten every possible food, the achievement will unlock.

How Did We Get Here?

How many Minecraft achievements can you get IRL? : r/Minecraft

Requirement: Have every status effect applied at the same time.

How to Get It: Here’s a breakdown of all the effects needed:

  • Effects Needed:
    • Fire Resistance
    • Water Breathing
    • Regeneration
    • Strength
    • Haste
    • Speed
    • Night Vision
    • Jump Boost
    • Poison
    • Weakness
    • Slowness
    • Mining Fatigue
    • Saturation
    • Resistance
  • Steps:
    • You will need a combination of potions, splash potions, beacon effects, and consuming enchanted golden apples (for saturation and regeneration). Using a Lingering Potion can help with certain effects, and be sure to use a Tipped Arrow for poison or weakness.
    • Getting the timing and order right is super important to make sure all the effects are up and running at the same time. It’s especially tricky because you have to juggle an elder guardian, shulker, and conduit effects all at once.


  1. What is the hardest achievement to get in Minecraft?

    Many players consider “How Did We Get Here?” to be the hardest achievement because it requires obtaining and managing 26 status effects at the same time, which involves complex setups and rare mobs.

  2. How do I track my progress for “Adventuring Time”?

    You can use a map or third-party tools like a Minecraft biome finder to keep track of the biomes you’ve visited. The “F3” debug screen (Java Edition) also helps identify your current biome.

  3. Can you get achievements in Minecraft Creative mode?

    No, achievements can only be earned in Survival mode. Switching to Creative mode will disable achievements for that world.

  4. What is the best strategy for defeating the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode?

    Bring fully enchanted Netherite gear, plenty of healing items (Golden Apples and Totems of Undying), and a water bucket for fall protection. Destroy End Crystals first to prevent the dragon from healing.

  5. How do I get all the status effects for “How Did We Get Here?”

    You’ll need potions, beacon effects, and rare effects from mobs like Shulkers and Elder Guardians. The best approach is to set up a controlled environment where you can trigger all effects quickly.

  6. Does “A Balanced Diet” include suspicious stews?

    Yes! You need to eat every edible item in the game, including all variations of suspicious stew, pufferfish, and even rotten flesh.

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