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First Minecraft 1.22 Snapshot: Everything You Need to Know


First Minecraft 1.22 Snapshot with new pigs, leaf litter, and biome enhancements

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The first Minecraft 1.22 snapshot has arrived, packed with fresh features and biome-specific updates that elevate the game’s immersive qualities. From stunning new pig variants to decorative leaf litter, this snapshot promises to enhance creativity and gameplay. Let’s break down every exciting detail of this update.

New Pig Variants in Minecraft

Minecraft’s iconic pigs now come in three distinct variants based on the biomes where they spawn. This subtle yet impactful addition breathes new life into the Overworld’s ecosystem.

Classic/Temperate Pig

  • Found in temperate biomes like Plains and Forests.
  • Retains the traditional pink texture.
  • Drops: Raw porkchops.

Cold Biome Pig

  • Features a pale, woolly coat suitable for colder climates.
  • Spawns in snowy and taiga biomes.
  • Drops remain the same as other pigs.

Warm Biome Pig

  • Displays a brownish hue, reflecting adaptations to hot environments.
  • Found in biomes such as the Savanna and Badlands.
  • Loot is identical to other variants.

Breeding Changes

  • Offspring textures are randomly inherited from parents.
  • Biome doesn’t influence baby pigs’ appearances.

Falling Leaf Particles

Leaves in Minecraft now exude realism with dynamic falling particles. These changes enhance biomes visually without altering gameplay mechanics.

  • Affected Blocks: All leaf types emit particles.
  • Biome Influence: Colors match the biome’s foliage.
  • Performance: Adjustable via graphics settings for smoother gameplay.

Leaf Litter: A New Decorative Block

Natural Generation

  • Appears in forested areas like Dark Forests and Wooded Badlands.
  • Adds depth to ground texture for an autumnal ambiance.

Crafting and Usage

  • Smelt leaf blocks into Leaf Litter.
  • Stack up to four layers for custom terrain designs.
  • Functions as a low-efficiency fuel.

New Decorative Wild Flower

This snapshot introduces the Wild Flower, a versatile addition to Minecraft’s flora.

  • Spawn Locations: Birch Forests and Meadows.
First Minecraft 1.22 Snapshot with new pigs, leaf litter, and biome enhancements
  • Placement: Stages of 1–4 flowers per block, adding vibrancy.
  • Crafting Output: Can be converted into yellow dye.

Lodestone Crafting Updates

Lodestones are now accessible earlier in the game.

  • New Recipe: Chiseled Stone Bricks + Iron Ingot.
  • Loot Source: Found in Ruined Portal chests.
  • Uses: Connect compasses to navigate complex builds.

Zombified Piglin Loot Adjustments

Gameplay balances now require players to kill Zombified Piglins directly for drops like gold ingots. This adjustment limits passive gold farm exploitation, aligning the mob’s mechanics with other entities.

Chunk Loading Fixes

Smooth portal-based transport is now ensured, as chunks reload correctly upon re-entry.

Iron Block Audio Revamp

Iron-based blocks and items have received updated audio for better immersion. From trapdoors to pressure plates, every interaction now reflects the heavy metallic essence.

Enhancements to the Badlands Biome

The Badlands biome has seen notable changes, including:

  • Passive mob spawns: Cows, pigs, and chickens now generate naturally.
  • Meadow biomes feature reduced grass density, emphasizing flowers.

Gameplay Tips

  • Decorate Smart: Use Leaf Litter and Wild Flowers to create seasonal or magical landscapes.
  • Optimize Gold Farms: Ensure player interaction for efficient Zombified Piglin farms.
  • Leverage Loadstones: Use the revised recipe to mark multiple locations in your world.


What are the major highlights of the 1.22 snapshot?
The snapshot introduces biome-specific pig textures, decorative leaf litter, Wild Flowers, and accessible Loadstone crafting.

Can you breed biome-specific pigs?
Yes, but baby pigs inherit textures randomly from their parents, not the biome.

What’s the purpose of falling leaf particles?
They enhance visual realism, adding atmospheric depth to biomes.

How do you craft Leaf Litter?
Smelt any leaf block in a furnace to produce Leaf Litter, which can be stacked up to four layers.

Do Loadstones still require Netherite?
No, they now use Iron Ingots, making them more accessible.

What changed about Zombified Piglin loot?
They now only drop player-specific loot when killed by the player.


The Minecraft 1.22 snapshot brings a wave of enhancements that refine gameplay while encouraging creativity. From visually immersive features like falling leaves and Wild Flowers to functional updates like Loadstone crafting, Mojang continues to push Minecraft’s boundaries. Jump into this snapshot to explore these additions, and prepare for even greater adventures ahead!

For more snapshot insights, visit Minecraft’s Official Blog. Happy crafting!

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