Add Sub-Users to Multicraft Print

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Have a friend or someone that you want to have co-manage your server with you? No problem! This quick and easy guide will show you how you can easily create a “sub-user” in Multicraft so that someone else can manage your server with you.

         Step 1. Go to your Multicraft Control Panel. Make sure that you are NOT logged in to your account.

         Step 2. Click “Login” and then “Register here”.

         Step 3. Complete the registration form with a username, password, and an email address for your friend and click on “Register”.

         Step 4. After registering the account, you will again be presented with the login page. Login with your OWN Multicraft account.

         Step 5. Select the server you wish to add a sub-user to (if you have multiple), then choose “Advanced” followed by “Users” in the left-hand side menu.

         Step 6. In the “Username” field, type in the username of the user you just created and press “ENTER” on your keyboard. The username should come up along with the option to select their role.

         Step 7. Select the role you would like to give the user. “Administrator” is probably the role you want to use.

         Step 8. Ensure that the 'Server Visibility' setting in Multicraft is set to "Users with Roles only" or "By Default Role" to ensure that the user you added can see your server when they login to their account. You can find this setting at the bottom of the server's main index page on Multicraft under 'Show Permissions'.

That’s it! Changes are applied immediately, so there is no need to save. A simple refresh of the page should show that your changes have been applied. If you need assistance with this, feel free to open a ticket with our Technical Support department. They will be happy to help!

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