Basic Multicraft Usage Print

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How do I use the Multicraft console?

You can use the Multicraft console by logging into Multicraft, then clicking on ‘Console’ on the left hand side of the server page. For a list of commands, please see MineCraft Wiki Commands.

How do I broadcast a message to all players through Multicraft? (Chat function)

You can broadcast a message to all players that are currently logged onto your server by logging into Multicraft, clicking on your server, then clicking on ‘Chat’. Here you can type messages and, by clicking send, this will broadcast that message.

How do I restart my server?

You can restart your server by logging into Multicraft, clicking on your server and clicking ‘restart’ near the top of the page.

How do I change my server’s name?

You can change your server’s name by logging into Multicraft, clicking on your server, and entering your desired server name under the Name field. Finally, click ‘save’ at the bottom of the screen.


What is my server’s IP address?

You can see your server’s IP address by logging into Multicraft and then clicking on your server. Your IP address will be listed under the IP field. Please note that to connect to your server via the Minecraft client, you will need to input the IP address followed by a colon [:] and your port number (which can be found below the IP field). Alternatively, you can click on ‘Status Banner’ to view the full IP address you will need to enter.

How do I change my Minecraft world? How do I create a new world?

You can change your world folder by logging into Multicraft, clicking on your server, and then changing the World field to the desired name of your world. This will then go on to create a new world with that world name. By leaving this field blank, Multicraft will automatically use the world that is set in the world folder.

If the world specified already exists on your server, your server will load that world instead of creating a new one. You can also upload a world file to the console via FTP. (Guide for this is located at:

Once you've selected your world folder, you will need to click 'save', and, finally, you will need to restart your server.

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