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  • Getting Started – How to Access Your ARK Server and Control Panel (old)

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) Have you purchased your ARK server at GGServers? Here’s how to get started! First, GGServers offers full access to your game server control panel, where users can manage everything that happens on the server. This article will show the first steps for joining your ARK server and using the…

  • Transfer a Google Domain domain to Squarespace

    thingy — ** On September 7, 2023, Squarespace took over all website names and user accounts from Google Domains. Users and their domains will move to Squarespace bit by bit in the coming months.** # How to Transfer a Google Domain’s domain to Squarespace This guide will show you how…

  • Premium Support Addon

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/plugin_9tickj.png) The Premium Support Addon is perfect for your minecraft server if you want our expert Support Technicians to give you some more in depth help with your server! Our staff can help with uploading your world on the server or any files you need, fixing those pesky json…

  • How to Find and Manage My Credit Balance

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) This guide will show you how to properly find and manage your credit balance into your Billing Account. — # ❓ What is The Credit Balance ❓ The credit balance is the sum assigned to your account that you can use only for future purchases with us. You can…

  • Getting Started – How to Access Your Satisfactory Server and Control Panel

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) Have you purchased your Satisfactory server at GGServers? Here’s how to get started! GGServers offers full access to your game server control panel, where users can manage everything that happens on the server. This article will show the first steps for joining your server and using the game server…

  • Getting Started – Pavlov VR

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) Have you purchased your Pavlov VR server at GGServers? Then we’re ready to go! GGServers offers full access to your game server control panel, where you can manage everything that happens on your server! — # ✔️ How Do I Find My Game Server Panel and Server Connection Details…

  • Default Minecraft Permission Nodes

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) This guide will show all Default Minecraft Permission Nodes that you can apply on your server, via a permission plugin, or mod. — # Default Minecraft Permission Nodes * minecraft.command.advancement * minecraft.command.ban * minecraft.command.ban-ip * minecraft.command.banlist * minecraft.command.clear * minecraft.command.debug * minecraft.command.defaultgamemode * minecraft.command.deop * minecraft.command.difficulty * minecraft.command.effect *…

  • Xbox, PS4 or Nintendo Switch Connection

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) You will not be able to connect to NukkitX or PocketMine-MP servers via Xbox, PS4, or Nintendo Switch. For these consoles, you **must** use Bedrock Dedicated Server or Geyser (**recommended**). Minecraft Bedrock does not allow direct connections from XBOX, PS4 and Nintendo Switch to a server IP like the…

  • How to Temporarily Disable a Plugin

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) You don’t know which plugin is causing issues and you want to disable them one by one to find the problematic one, or do you just want to stop using a plugin temporarily without losing the files? This guide will show you how! — # How to Temporarily Disable…

  • How to Set Up and Use WorldGuard Plugin

    ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/banner10_1mgbruh.png) This guide will show you how to set up and use WorldGuard plugin on your server. — ![](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/wg_1kttbap.png) ### WorldGuard Plugin WorldGuard is an easy world area protector for Minecraft, supporting single player and multiplayer. This amazing plugin has a lot of features that can help you with your…