This guide explains step-by-step how to customize your Rust server settings by creating and editing the server.cfg
file. This file allows you to set your serverβs name, description, tags, and other critical gameplay configurations.
β οΈ Important Notice:
Never edit the serverauto.cfg
Any changes made to this file will be automatically reset.
Always use server.cfg
for your custom settings.
π Creating the server.cfg
By default, your Rust server does not include a server.cfg
file, so you’ll need to create one manually:
- Log into your GGServers Panel.
- Click on Files and navigate to:

- Click New File, name it exactly as
, and click Create. - Paste your custom configurations into this new file.
- Once complete, click Save File.

π₯οΈ Setting Your Server Name and Description
Here’s how to customize your Rust server’s name (hostname) and description. These values appear publicly on the Rust server list.
Add these lines to your server.cfg
Command | Description | Example |
server.hostname | The name that appears publicly in server listings. | server.hostname "My Awesome Rust Server!" |
server.description | The description displayed when players click on your server. Use \n for line breaks. | server.description "Welcome to our server!\nEnjoy your stay!\nHosted by\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" |
Rust currently duplicates the description in-game due to a known bug.
As a workaround, add multiple\n
line breaks at the end to minimize its impact.
π Adding Tags to Your Server
Tags make it easier for players to find your server based on interests, server type, or region.
To add tags:
- Open your
. - Add the following line and include up to 4 tags separated by commas:
server.tags "monthly,pve,roleplay,builds"
Available Tags:
Tag | Meaning | Category |
monthly | Monthly Wipes | Wipe Schedule |
biweekly | Biweekly Wipes | Wipe Schedule |
weekly | Weekly Wipes | Wipe Schedule |
vanilla | No mods, Vanilla gameplay | Difficulty |
hardcore | Hardcore difficulty | Difficulty |
softcore | Softcore difficulty | Difficulty |
pve | PvE combat enabled | Gameplay |
roleplay | Server focuses on roleplaying | Gameplay |
creative | Creative mode enabled | Gameplay |
minigame | Minigame modes enabled | Gameplay |
training | Training server | Gameplay |
battlefield | Battlefield mode | Gameplay |
broyale | Battle Royale mode | Gameplay |
builds | Focus on building gameplay | Gameplay |
NA | North America | Region |
SA | South America | Region |
EU | Europe | Region |
WA | West Asia | Region |
EA | East Asia | Region |
OC | Oceania | Region |
AF | Africa | Region |
- You can display up to 4 tags publicly.
- Do not combine multiple tags from the same group (e.g., don’t combine
βοΈ Important server.cfg
Commands Reference
Here’s a quick reference for some commonly used Rust server.cfg
commands you might want to use:
Command | Default Value | Description |
server.hostname | “” | Server name as displayed publicly |
server.description | “” | Public server description |
server.seed | Random | World generation seed |
server.level | Procedural Map | Map type (Procedural Map , Barren , HapisIsland ) |
server.worldsize | 4500 | World size (1000 – 6000) |
server.maxplayers | 100 | Maximum number of players |
server.pve | false | Enables PvE mode |
craft.instant | false | Enables instant crafting |
decay.scale | 1 | Adjusts the decay speed (0 disables decay) |
server.description | “” | Detailed server description |
server.tags | “” | Adds searchable tags |
antihack.enabled | true | Enables Rust’s built-in anti-cheat system |
server.tickrate | 30 | Server tickrate (recommended max: 30) |
heli.lifetimeminutes | 15 | Helicopter event lifetime (in minutes) |
bradley.enabled | true | Enables Bradley APC at Launch Site |
Here is a full example of a detailed server.cfg
// Server Identity
server.hostname "Enhanced Rust Experience"
server.description "Customized Rust Server with Balanced Gameplay."
server.url ""
server.headerimage ""
server.logoimage "" // Optional server logo
// World Settings
server.seed 654321
server.worldsize 4000
server.max_vehicles 35
server.radiation true
server.level "Procedural Map" // Or "Custom Map Name"
server.saveinterval 600 // 10 minutes (increased save frequency)
server.itemdespawn 1200 // 20 minutes (longer despawn)
server.plantlightdetection true
server.pve false // PvP enabled
server.stability true
server.respawn_groups true
server.respawn_zone_radius 75
// Player Settings
server.maxplayers 150
server.tickrate 30
server.combatlog true // Log combat events
server.chatlog true // Log chat
server.globalchat true // Enable global chat
server.globalchatadmin true // Admin chat visible globally
server.globalchatmute true // Mute players globally
server.globalchatrate 2 // Chat rate limit (messages per second)
server.level_curve 2 // Experience curve (if using experience plugins)
server.corpses 100 // Max corpses
server.corpses_maxage 3600 // Corpse max age (seconds)
server.player_base_erase_time 259200 // 3 days in seconds, time player base despawns when player is offline.
// Security true
rcon.password "YourStrongRconPassword"
server.ip "" // Bind to all IPs (if needed)
server.port 28015 // Default port
server.encryption 1 // Enable encryption
server.compression 1 // Enable compression
server.queriespersecond 600 // Increase queries per second
// Air Drops
airdrop.min_players 8
airdrop.frequency 1500 // 25 minutes
airdrop.drop_scale 1.2 // Increase airdrop size
// Helicopter
heli.drop_crate true
heli.bulletaccuracy 0.8
heli.bulletdamagescale 1.1
heli.bulletspeedscale 1.1
heli.lifetimeseconds 2400 // Helicopter lifetime
// Cargo Ship
cargoship.event_enabled true
cargoship.event_interval 5400 // 1.5 hours
cargoship.loot_scale 1.3 // Increase cargo ship loot
// Decay
decay.scale 0.8 // Slower decay
decay.upkeep true
decay.upkeep_period 86400 // 1 day in seconds
// Scrap Helicopter
scrapheli.despawn_time 2700 // 45 minutes
// Misc
global.developer 0
global.freezeculling false
global.perf 3
global.sleep 1
global.time 12
global.god false // Disable god mode
global.godmode false // Deprecated god mode.
// Advanced Settings (Use with Caution)
server.compression 1
server.encryption 1
server.queriespersecond 600 // Increase queries per second
// Oxide/uMod (if applicable)
// Example Oxide plugin configurations
// oxide.load "MyPlugin1"
// oxide.load "MyPlugin2"
// MyPlugin1.mySetting "value"
// MyPlugin2.otherSetting true
// RustEdit specific settings
server.levelurl "yourcustommapurl.url" // used for custom maps.
server.save_path "./save" // Used for custom save path.
// Additional Settings
server.radiation_interval 300 // Radiation check interval in seconds
server.radiation_max 100 // Maximum radiation level
server.radiation_min 0 // Minimum radiation level
server.radiation_scale 1.0 // Radiation scale
server.radiation_falloff 0.5 // Radiation falloff rate
server.radiation_inside_modifier 0.5 // Radiation modifier for inside buildings
server.radiation_outside_modifier 1.0 // Radiation modifier for outside
// NPC Settings
server.npc_enabled true // Enable NPCs
server.npc_spawn_rate 1.0 // NPC spawn rate
server.npc_max_count 50 // Maximum number of NPCs
server.npc_health_scale 1.0 // NPC health scale
server.npc_damage_scale 1.0 // NPC damage scale
// Animal Settings
server.animal_spawn_rate 1.0 // Animal spawn rate
server.animal_max_count 100 // Maximum number of animals
server.animal_health_scale 1.0 // Animal health scale
server.animal_damage_scale 1.0 // Animal damage scale
// Weather Settings
server.weather_enabled true // Enable weather
server.weather_rain_chance 0.5 // Chance of rain
server.weather_fog_chance 0.3 // Chance of fog
server.weather_storm_chance 0.2 // Chance of storm
server.weather_clear_chance 0.5 // Chance of clear weather
// Time Settings
server.time_speed 1.0 // Time speed multiplier
server.time_day_length 1200 // Day length in seconds
server.time_night_length 600 // Night length in seconds
server.time_dawn_length 300 // Dawn length in seconds
server.time_dusk_length 300 // Dusk length in seconds
// Loot Settings
server.loot_spawn_rate 1.0 // Loot spawn rate
server.loot_respawn_time 300 // Loot respawn time in seconds
server.loot_quality_scale 1.0 // Loot quality scale
server.loot_quantity_scale 1.0 // Loot quantity scale
// Building Settings
server.building_health_scale 1.0 // Building health scale
server.building_decay_scale 1.0 // Building decay scale
server.building_upkeep_scale 1.0 // Building upkeep scale
server.building_stability_scale 1.0 // Building stability scale
// Crafting Settings
server.crafting_speed_scale 1.0 // Crafting speed scale
server.crafting_cost_scale 1.0 // Crafting cost scale
server.crafting_quality_scale 1.0 // Crafting quality scale
// Combat Settings
server.combat_damage_scale 1.0 // Combat damage scale
server.combat_headshot_multiplier 1.5 // Headshot damage multiplier
server.combat_body_multiplier 1.0 // Body damage multiplier
server.combat_leg_multiplier 0.75 // Leg damage multiplier
server.combat_arm_multiplier 0.75 // Arm damage multiplier
// Economy Settings (if using economy plugins)
server.economy_enabled true // Enable economy
server.economy_starting_balance 1000 // Starting balance for new players
server.economy_currency_name "Coins" // Currency name
server.economy_tax_rate 0.1 // Tax rate for transactions
// Admin Settings
server.admin_enabled true // Enable admin commands
server.admin_password "YourStrongAdminPassword" // Admin password
server.admin_level_required 2 // Admin level required for commands
// Ban List
server.banlist_enabled true // Enable ban list
server.banlist_file "bans.txt" // Ban list file
// Whitelist
server.whitelist_enabled false // Enable whitelist
server.whitelist_file "whitelist.txt" // Whitelist file
// Custom Commands (if using custom command plugins)
// Example custom command configurations
// customcommand.mycommand "value"
// customcommand.othercommand true
// Debugging
server.debug_enabled false // Enable debugging
server.debug_level 1 // Debug level
server.debug_log_file "debug.log" // Debug log file
// Performance
server.performance_mode 1 // Performance mode (1 = normal, 2 = high, 3 = ultra)
server.performance_interval 60 // Performance check interval in seconds
server.performance_threshold 80 // Performance threshold (percentage)
// Backup
server.backup_enabled true // Enable backups
server.backup_interval 86400 // Backup interval in seconds (1 day)
server.backup_path "./backups" // Backup path
server.backup_max_files 10 // Maximum number of backup files
// Logging
server.logging_enabled true // Enable logging
server.logging_level 2 // Logging level (1 = minimal, 2 = normal, 3 = verbose)
server.logging_file "server.log" // Log file
server.logging_max_size 10485760 // Maximum log file size in bytes (10 MB)
Need More Help?
If you’re still unsure or need help configuring your Rust server, feel free to contact our support team: