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Project Zomboid Console Commands


This guide will show you how to access your console and use all the console commands that Project Zomboid offers.

||| If you’ve just purchased your Project Zomboid server, [here](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/getting-started-how-to-access-your-project-zomboid-server-and-control-panel-zd6vwz/) is our guide for getting started and accessing your server control panel.

# Accessing your game console

Accessing the console is very easy, you simply have to press the **Enter** or **T** key. You can use the following commands there.

# ⚙️ List of console commands ⚙️

| Command | Description |
| ——– | ——– |
| /help | Bring up the help menu. |
| /banid [SteamID] | Ban a Steam ID. |
| /banuser [Username] -ip -r[ReasonText] | Ban a user. For example: /banuser GGUser -ip -cheating. |
| /changeoption [OptionName] [NewValue] | Change a server option. |
| /alarm | Sound alarm at the admin’s position. Must be in a room. || /chopper | Place a helicopter event on a random player. |
| /createhorde [Number] [UserName] | Spawn a horde near a player. [Username] is optional (if you leave it blank, the horde will spawn around you). |
| /changepwd [OldPwd] [NewPwd] | Change your password. |
| /godmode [User] | Make a player invincible.|
| /grantadmin [User] | Give admin rights to a user.|
| /removeadmin [User] | Remove admin rights to a user.|
| /additem [User] [ItemBaseID] [Count] | Give an item to the player. If [User] is empty, you will receive the item. [Count] is optional. |
| /addvehicle [VehicleName] | Spawn a vehicle. |
| /addxp [User] [SkillName=XP] | Give XP to a specific skill. |
| /adduser [User] [Pwd] | Add a new user to the whitelist. |
| /removeuserfromwhitelist [User] | Remove a single user connected with a password to the whitelist. |
| /gunshot | Place a gunshot sound on a random player.|
| /invisible [User] | Make a player invisible to zombies.|
| /kickuser [Username] -r[ReasonText] | Kick a user.|
| /lightning [Username] | Trigger lightning to a player.|
| /noclip [User] | Allow a player to pass through solid objects like walls and structures. |
| /players | List all connected players.|
| /quit | Save and quit the server.|
| /releasesafehouse | Release a safehouse you own.|
| /reloadlua [Filename] | Reload a Lua script on the server.|
| /reloadoptions | Reload server options and send to clients.|
| /replay [Playername] -[record/play/stop] filename | Record and replay for moving player. For example. /replay GamerEmpire -record GamerEmpire.bin. |
| /save | Save the current world.|
| /servermsg [Message] | Send a message to all players.|
| /setaccesslevel [User] [admin/moderator/overseer/gm/observer] | Set the permission level of a player.|
| /showoptions | Show a list of current server options and values. |
| /startrain [Intensity] | Start raining on the server. Intensity is between 1 to 100. |
| /startstorm [Duration] | Start a storm on the server. Duration is the game’s hours. |
| /stoprain | Stop raining on the server.|
| /stopweather | Stop the weather on the server.|
| /teleport [Player1] [Player2] | Teleport [Player 1] to [Player 2].|
| /teleportto x,y,z | Teleport to certain coordinates.|
| /thunder [Username] | Trigger thunder to a player.|
| /unbanid SteamID | Unban a Steam ID.|
| /unbanuser [Username] | Unban a player.|
| /voiceban [User] -[True/False] | Ban a user from using the voice feature.|

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