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How To Use PermissionsEx


||| PermissionsEx is no longer supported. Please use [LuckPerms](/en-us/article/luckperms-installation-setup-9eqlef/).

If you are thinking about opening a community server where it’s not really about just connecting and playing vanilla with your friends, PEX is a must have when it comes to plugins. It simply brings groups to your server!

PEX works on the general principle that permission to run a command is not allowed unless the permission node is specifically listed.

##### Dependencies

* EssentialsX, Vault
* Compatible Spigot Version

Make sure you have those plugins installed on your server, if not, install them using [our tutorial](/en-us/article/how-to-install-plugins-on-your-server-1yxw90a/) and restart your server.

For chat to be working, you need the EssentialsChat plugin as well.

Firstly, let’s create the Owner group by typing some commands into your Multicraft Console:

To create the Owner group just type:

“` pex group Owner create“`

Now let’s give the Owner group permission to do anything.

“` pex group Owner add *“`

Once finished, let’s give ourselves the Owner rank.

“` pex user *yourname* group set Owner“`


Let’s have a look at the chat


It doesn’t look like we were given the Owner group, right? That’s because the group doesn’t have a prefix yet. We’ll add one right now by using the following command:

“` pex group Owner prefix “&cOwner &7″“`



Chat Format used in Essentials config file:

“` format: ‘{DISPLAYNAME} &8▪ &f{MESSAGE}’“`

##### Default Group

Now let’s make a group called Guest that it’s given to every new player that joins the server.

“` pex group Guest create“`

Let’s give the Guest group the permission to set a home a teleport to it.

“` pex group Guest add essentials.sethome“`

“` pex group Guest add essentials.home“`

Now, let’s make it the default group for new players.

“` pex set default group Guest true“`

Finally, let’s give it a prefix.

“` pex group Guest prefix “&2Guest &7″“`


To remove a permission node from a group, just use:

“` pex group remove “`

Let’s say you want to remove the /home permission for the group Guest.

“` pex group Guest remove essentials.home“`

##### Parent Groups

Groups can inherit permissions from specified parent groups. This is useful when you want every single group to have a default set of permissions like the ones that come with the Guest group.

We can specify a parent group by using the following command:

“` pex group Admin parents set Guest“`

This will give the Admin group the permissions we specified for Guest.

##### Useful Links

[PermissionsEx Wiki](https://github.com/PEXPlugins/PermissionsEx/wiki)

[Essentials Permission Nodes](https://essinfo.xeya.me/permissions.html)

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