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How to Use a Custom Domain (URL) with Your Server Using Namecheap


This guide will help you set up on your server a custom domain using Namecheap.

# Setting Up a URL

We want to set up a domain (URL) so our friends can connect to our server with just the URL, like `mydomain.com` without any of this `198.758.43.3:3532` nonsense.

**What you need to do:**

1. Go to your Namecheap domain list: [https://ap.www.namecheap.com/domains/list/](https://ap.www.namecheap.com/domains/list/)

2. Find the domain (URL) you want to use, and click `Manage`:


3. Click on `Advanced DNS`:


You should see something like this:


4. We want to add a record. Click on `Add New Record`:


5. We’ll be adding what is called an `A` record. This tells other people’s computers where to find your server on the internet. Click on `A Record`, then add `@` to the `host` field.


6. For the `Value` field, we need an IP Address from your server. Find your server by logging in here: [https://mc.ggservers.com/index.php?r=server/index](https://mc.ggservers.com/index.php?r=server/index)

7. Once you have opened your server, you want to find the line that says `IP` and has a number next to it. It should look something like this:

![IP Address](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/newipred_17jriy7.jpg)

8. You want to copy and paste the number to the **left** of the colon **exactly** as it is here into the field that says `Value`. Click the check-mark to finish.


9. Now, we have a URL pointing to our server.


At this point, I could connect to my server using my URL and the port number like this: `mydomain.com:25698` But, what’s the fun in that? We want people to be able to connect just by typing in `mydomain.com`. If it says anything other than `25565` for your `port` here, we need to do a little more work to make the URL work right.

# Setting Up a Nice URL

**You will have to do the following steps:**

1. We want to go back to our domain in Namecheap and click `Add Record`.


2. Scroll down on the list and click `SRV Record`. This is a service record, we’re telling the world that our Minecraft server is at `mydomain.com:port` but we’re calling it `mydomain.com`


Now we have a bunch of text boxes.


3. For the `Service` box we want to add `_minecraft`

4. For the `Protocol` box we want to add `_tcp`

5. For the `Priority` box we want to add `0`

6. For the `Weight` box we want to add `5`

7. For the `Port` box we want to add the `port` you can find on your server using the number to the right of the colon:


8. In the `Target` box add your domain (URL). It’ll look something like `mydomain.com`

You should have something like this:


9. Hit the check-mark and you’re done! It may take up to 30 minutes to work.

Now you can connect to your website using just your domain (URL) without needing any fancy numbers or special symbols. It just works.


| If you find any issues setting up your custom domains using Namecheap please contact us on live chat or via the [ticket system](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-open-a-support-ticket-qjzuyd/).

# ❕ Useful Links ❕

– [What Is a Subdomain and How to Change It](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/what-is-a-subdomain-and-how-to-change-it-1mt5pvp/)
– [How to Connect to Your Server Using FileZilla](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-connect-to-your-server-using-filezilla-yl0q5r/)
– [Implement a Custom Resource /Texture Pack In Your Server](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/implement-a-custom-resource-texture-pack-in-your-server-gx8viz/)

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