How to Set Up Permissions Using PurePerms on Your PocketMine Server
This article will show you how to properly set up permissions on your PocketMine server using the PurePerms plugin.
|| ⚠ NOTE ⚠: You can only set permissions on a PocketMine server as it can run plugins. The Bedrock Dedicated Template is not able to run plugins so you can not set up a Permissions Plugin.
Before we start, we need to understand the meaning of the arguments for each command that we will use:
– ❓ The ones between ‘ <> ‘ are necessary for the command to work, you need to fill that campus with the correct argument.
– ❓ The ones between ‘ [] ‘ are not necessary for the command and usually are extra features. You can use the command leaving those spaces empty and it will still work.
# What is PurePerms?
PurePerms is a Permission plugin that only works on PocketMine and lets you manage Permissions on your server.
[Here]( you can find more details about PurePerms on its official page.
# How to Set Up PurePerms
First, you will have to download the PurePerms plugin [here]( After doing so, you need to use Filezilla to upload the plugin to the `plugins` folder of the server.
After uploading the plugin you need to restart the server for it to load the plugin.
||| [Here]( is our guide for using Filezilla. Also, [here]( is our guide for installing plugins into your server.
# How to Configure PurePerms
To configure PurePerms you will have to create groups, add permissions for commands to each group, then add players into groups.
### General Commands
###### `/fperms`
Allows you to find permissions for a specific plugin.
###### `/ppinfo`
Shows info about PurePerms.
###### `/ppreload`
Reloads all PurePerms configurations.
### Managing Groups
To manage your groups you will use the following commands:
###### `/addgroup
Adds a new group to the group’s list.
###### `/addparent
Adds a group to another group inheritance list.
###### `/defgroup
Allows you to set the default group.
###### `/groups`
Shows a list of all groups.
###### `/grpinfo
Shows info about a group.
###### `/listgperms
Shows a list of all permissions from a group.
###### `/rmgroup
Removes a group from the group’s list.
###### `/rmparent
Removes a group from another group inheritance list.
###### `/setgperm
Adds a permission node to the group.
###### `/unsetgperm
Removes a permission node from the group.
### Managing Users
To manage your Users you will use the following commands:
###### `/listuperms
Shows a list of all permissions from a user.
###### `/setuperm
Adds a permission node to the user.
###### `/unsetuperm
Removes a permission node from the user.
###### `/usrinfo
Shows info about a user.
# Setting Up Prefixes and Suffixes
If you want to be able to set prefixes and suffixes for groups or players, you will need to add a separate plugin called `PureChat` that will provide this feature in concordance with `PurePerms`.
You can find more details about this plugin on its official page [here](
To add the plugin to your server just download it from [here]( and then use Filezilla to upload it to your `plugins` folder.
After doing so, you will have to restart the server in order for it to load the new plugin.
||| [Here]( is our guide for using Filezilla. Also, [here]( is our guide for installing plugins into your server.
### Commands
###### `/setsuffix
Set a player’s suffix.
###### `/setprefix
Set a player’s prefix.
###### `/setnametag
Set the default nametag of a group.
###### `/setformat
Set default chat format.
# Example
Let’s say that we want to set up four groups with the following permissions:
– **default**: no permissions, default group;
– **VIP**: permission to use `/tp` command;
– **admin**: permissions to use `/tp` and `/gamemode`;
– **owner**: all permissions;
Now, to configure the plugin you will need to use the following list of commands:
|| ⚠ NOTE ⚠: If you are using commands in the Multicraft console you need to do it without the `/` at the beginning.
1. `/addgroup default`
Add the `default` group.
2. `/addgroup VIP`
Add the `VIP` group.
3. `/addgroup admin`
Add the `admin` group.
4. `/addgroup owner`
Add the `owner` group.
5. `/defgroup default`
Set the `default` group as the default one.
6. `/setgperm VIP pocketmine.command.teleport`
Add the `pocketmine.command.teleport` permissions to the `VIP` group.
7. `/setgperm admin pocketmine.command.gamemode`
Add the `pocketmine.command.gamemode` permissions to the `admin` group.
8. `/addparent admin VIP`
Set the parent group `VIP` for the `admin` group. This means that the `admin` group will have access to all permissions that the `VIP` groups have.
9. `/setgperm owner *`
Add the `*` permission to the `VIP` group.
|| ⚠ NOTE ⚠: To give access to a group to all existing permissions you need to give it access to `*`.
10. `/setgroup MyUsername owner`
Let’s add ourselves to the `owner` group.
||| You can find the full permissions list for the default PocketMine commands [here](
Now you just created the four groups and also added yourself to the `owner` group.
| If you find any issues setting up permissions into your PocketMine server using PurePerms please feel free to contact us via live chat or via the ticket system [here](
# ❕ Useful Links ❕
– [How to Download Your World on Your Bedrock Server](
– [How to Install Plugins Into Your Server](
– [How to connect with FileZilla](