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How to Remove a Credit Card from Your Account


This guide will show you how to properly remove a credit card from your billing account.

# How to Remove a Credit Card from Your Account

To remove your credit card, you need to:

1. Log in [here](https://ggservers.com/billing/index.php/login) to your billing account.

2. Click on the drop-down menu from your name, located at the top right side of the page, and click on `Payment Methods`.

|| You can directly access the `Payment Methods` section [here](https://ggservers.com/billing/index.php/account/paymentmethods).

![Payment Methods](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/1_1x0c1cn.png)

3. Identify the credit card you want to remove, then click on `Delete`.

![Delete CC](https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ba33bb39ceb6d800/2_vwkcq1.png)

Now, you have just removed the requested credit card from your billing account.

|| ⚠ **NOTE **⚠: Services paid for with this credit card will not automatically renew, causing them to be suspended and, eventually, terminated if payment is not made.

| If you find any issues removing your credit card, contact us on live chat or via the [ticket system](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-open-a-support-ticket-qjzuyd/).

# ❕Useful Links❕

– [How to Find and Manage My Credit Balance](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-find-and-manage-my-credit-balance-1pqttp3/)
– [How to Add a Sub-User to Your Billing Account](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-add-a-sub-user-to-your-billing-account-15khztq/)
– [How to Use the Crypto Payment Method](https://help.ggservers.com/en-us/article/how-to-use-the-crypto-payment-method-13pf3ij/)

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