Uploading and Installing Plugins Print

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This guide will show you two ways you can upload and install plugins on your server.  You can install plugins via FTP File Access or via the Bukkit Plugins page in Multicraft.  We recommend that you use the FTP File Access method.


Using FTP File Access (recommended):

To use the FTP File Access page, follow these simple steps.

        - To get started, go to the Bukkit Dev website at http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ and/or the Spigot Resources website at http://spigotmc.org/resources and download the plugin(s) you wish to upload and install on your server, if you haven’t already done so.

        - After you have the plugin(s) you want, login to the Multicraft Control Panel for your server using your username and password.

        - If you have multiple servers on the same panel, select the server if you want to work with.

        - Navigate to “Files” > “FTP File Access”.

        - When prompted, enter your FTP password in the text box that appears and click on “Login”. Your FTP password is the same as your Multicraft password.

        - After you’ve logged in, you’ll be presented with your server’s root directory. Within that directory, you’ll see a directory called ‘plugins’, as shown in the screenshot below. Click on that directory.


        - Click on “Upload” in the FTP menu on the left side.


        - Under “Files to upload”, click on the “Choose File” or “Browse…” button (the button may have different wording, depending on your browser) and select the plugin that you would like to upload to your server.

        - Repeat the last step for each plugin that you wish to upload. We would recommend not uploading more than 10 plugins at once using this method. If new fields aren’t added automatically, you can use the “Add Field” link to add another field.

        - Click on “Submit” to start the upload process. This process should take less than 30 seconds.

        - After the upload process has completed, you will be presented with a page that confirms that the files you selected have been uploaded, which means you’ve done everything correctly. At this point, you can now restart your server to activate your newly uploaded plugins.

Using the Bukkit Plugins feature:

To use the Bukkit Plugins feature built in to Multicraft, follow these simple steps.

        - Login to the Multicraft Control Panel for your server using your username and password.

        - If you have multiple servers on the same panel, select the server if you want to work with.

        - Navigate to “Files” > “Bukkit Plugins”.

        - You’ll see a list of plugins on the screen. In the text box, search for the plugin you want to install.


- After your search, select the plugin you want by clicking on it.

- On the plugin page, click on the “Install” button to install the plugin to your server. Do not refresh or navigate to a different page until the page confirms the plugin is installed.

- Repeat the above steps until you’ve installed all the plugins you wish to install.

- Restart your server to activate your newly installed plugins.

In addition to these methods, you can also upload plugins to your server using an FTP client program such as FileZilla. That is out of the scope of this guide, but check out the File FTP Access article for more information on how you can use FileZilla to upload files to your server.

If you have any questions or need assistance with uploading or installing plugins on your server, feel free to give a shout to our support team and we will be happy to assist.

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