Upload Your Own World Print

  • 347

This guide will show you how to upload existing world files to your server. The easiest way to do this is to use an FTP client on your computer, such as FileZilla. We recommend FileZilla as it is free and easy to use.

          Step 1: If you don’t already have FileZilla or another FTP client on your computer, you’ll want to download one. (FileZilla can be dowloaded at  https://filezilla-project.org/download.php.)

         Step 2: Find your FTP login details by logging into your Multicraft Control Panel. Select “Files” and then “FTP File Access”.

         Step 3: Use the information listed on that page to login to your server via the FTP client of your choice. Note that your password is the same as your Multicraft password.

         Step 4: Upload your world to the root directory of your server and note the name of the world’s folder.

         Step 5: After your world has been uploaded to your server, log in to your Multicraft Control Panel.

         Step 6: On your server’s main page in Multicraft, find the “World” setting and enter the name of your world’s folder into the text box. Make sure it is spelled exactly as it is in the FTP root directory.

         Step 7: Click Save and restart the server.

There you have it! Your world is now on your server. If you have any questions or problems while trying to do this, feel free to open a ticket with the Technical Support department and they will be happy to help.

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